

SaahilSea shore, Guide, Shore, Bank5boy
SaajOne who worships God, Beauteous tranquillity4boy
SaaketLord Krishna, Having the same intention3boy
SaakshTrue, Witness, With eyes5boy
SaaranshSummary, In brief, Precise, Result9boy
SaathvikCalm, Virtuous and another name of Lord Shiva1boy
SaatvikVirtuous, Lord Krishna, Worthy, Important, Pure, Good2boy
SabalWith strength8boy
SabariA tribal devotee of Lord Rama, One who lives in Sabari hill, Lord Ayyappa5boy
SabarishLord of Sabari hill, Lord Ayyappa5boy
SachchitLord Brahma, Truth8boy
SachetJoyful or consciousness2boy
SachhThe truth3boy
SachinLord Indra, Pure existence, Affectionate, Epithet of Shiva9boy
SachishLord Indra4boy
SachitJoyful or consciousness6boy
SachithJoyful or consciousness5boy
Sada ShivaPure, Eternally pure3boy
SadanandEver joyous22boy
SadarAttached, Respectful, Thoughtful7boy
SadavirEver courageous11boy
SadeepanLighted up11boy
SadgunaGood virtues22boy
SadhanWork, Achievement, Worship, The shelter, Fulfilment2boy
SadhilPerfect, Leader, Ruler8boy
SadishWith direction6boy
SadruLord Vishnu9boy
SaganLord Shiva, Attended or accompanied by a body of followers, An epithet of Shiva6boy
SagarSea, Ocean1boy
SagnikOne who wins the fire, Fiery, Passionate, Married7boy
SahadevYoungest of the panchpandava6boy
SaharaDawn, Early morning, Lord Shiva3boy
SaharshWith Joy, Happy11boy
SahasValour, Bravery, Happy, Laughing3boy
SahasradLord Shiva8boy
SahasyaMighty, Powerful2boy
SahatStong, Powerful4boy
SahayHelpful, Friend9boy
SahayaHelp, Lord Shiva1boy
SahdevOne of the Pandavas princes5boy
SahidLucky, Blissful, Witness5boy
SahishnuLord Vishnu, Who calmly endures duality9boy
SaiFemale friend, A flower11boy
Sai DeepA name of Sai baba5boy
Sai RoopFlower3boy
SaihishLord Saibaba and Shiva1boy
SaijilStrong; Proud6unisex
SailendraLord Shiva, Lord of the mountain, Epithet of Shiva11boy
SaileshLord of the mountain1boy
SainitCreated by Vilas9boy
SaishWith the blessing of Sai - baba ka baccha, Sai ka baccha2boy
SaiviProsperity, Wealth, Auspiciousness6boy
SajalClouds, Moist, Tearful, Containing water7boy
SajanBeloved, Good Man, Noble, Respectable, Guard, From a good family9boy
SajeeshMade ready22boy
SajiBold, Courageous, King of noble men3boy
SajibLively, Alive5boy
SajitVictorious superior, Lord Ganesh5boy
SajithVictorious superior, Lord Ganesh22boy
SajivLively, Alive7boy
SajivaFull of life8boy
SajjanBeloved, Good Man, Noble, Respectable, Guard, From a good family1boy
SakarManifestation of God, Shapely, Concrete, Formal, Attractive5boy
SakashOne with a light shone upon him, Illumination, Brilliance, An enlightened soul5boy
SakashamCapable to do anything1boy
SakeshLord Vishnu; Victor9boy
SaketLord Krishna, Having the same intention11boy
SakethLord Krishna, Having the same intention1boy
SakethaLord Krishna, Having the same intention2unisex
SakhyamCapable to do anything6boy
SakshamCapable, Skilful9boy
SakshumCapable, Skilful2boy
SakthiPowerful, Goddess Durga, Power, Vigour, Ability, The female energy of a God, Another name for Lakshmi, Saraswati the female energy of a God, Aid, Sword, Gift5boy
SalajWater which flows from melted ice from mountain, Water born7boy
SamajLord Indra, A forest, Wood, Understanding, Epithet of Indra8boy
SamajasLord Shiva1boy
SamanJasmine, Soothing, Purifying, Hymn, Prosperous, Universal plentiful3boy
SamanyuLord Shiva, Having the same splendor, Epithet of Shiva, Feeling the same energy or anger22boy
SamarenduLord Vishnu, Winner of a battle6boy
SamarjitWinner of the battle, Victorious in war or Lord Vishnu, One who has conquered lust1boy
SamarthPowerful, Another name for Krishna, Smooth, Multi -tasked8boy
SamarthiSymbol of peace8boy
SamavartLord Vishnu, One who effectively whirls the wheel of samsara5boy
SambaRising, Shining9boy
SambhaRising, Shining8boy
SambhavBorn, Manifested, Possible, Practicable, Meeting, Creation3boy
SambodhComplete knowledge, Consciousness8boy
SamdarshiLord Krishna, Unbiased who can see all11boy
SamenPrecious, Invaluable, Happy, Self disciplined7boy
SamenduLord Vishnu, Like the Moon (Sama + Indu)5boy
SameshLord of equality, God-like2boy
SamhitA vedic composition, Secret text7boy
SamhithA vedic composition, Secret text6boy
SamihanLord Vishnu11boy
SamikAncient sage, Peaceful, Restrained8boy
SamikshNear to Sun8boy
SaminPrecious, Invaluable, Happy, Self disciplined2boy
SamirEarly morning fragrance, Entertaining companion, Wind, Breeze, Air, Creator, Another name for Shiva, Era6boy
SammadJoy, Happiness, Excitement6boy
SammathAgreed, Consented, Respected3boy
SampatProsperous, Wealth, Fortune, Success, Welfare7boy
SampathProsperous, Wealth, Fortune, Success, Welfare6boy
SampoornComplete everything, Full3boy
SampreetJoy, Satisfaction, Delight7boy
SamratEmperor, Universal, Ruler9boy
SamridhPerfect, Accomplished, Prosperous9boy
SamrithaProvided with nectar, Wealthy, Remembered8boy
SamrudhThe enriched one, Prosperous, Accomplished, Perfect3boy
SanahSkilful, Radiance, Elegance, Conciseness7boy
SanamBeloved, Benevolence, Favour, Mistress, Image beloved3boy
SanatLord Brahma, Eternal, Accompanied by a protector, Immortal, Another name of Brahma1boy
SanatanPermanent, Eternal God, Lord Shiva, Immortal, Constant, Ancient, Another name of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva7boy
SanavThe Sun3boy
SanayAncient, One that will last forever6boy
SanchayCollection, Riches, Mass8boy
SanchitCollected, Gathered11boy
SandeepA lighted lamp, Brilliant, Ablaze1boy
SandeepanA sage, Lighting7boy
SandeepenA sage, Lighting11boy
SandipA lighted lamp, Brilliant, Ablaze9boy
SandyDefending men9boy
SaneeshThe Sun or brilliant boy8boy
SanehiBeloved. Lord Hanuman Stuti11boy
SaneshThe Sun or brilliant boy3boy
SangamTo merge1boy
SanguptPerfectly hidden8boy
SaniGift, Reward, A portion of the Sky, Same pronunciation as Sunny meaning bright7unisex
SanidhHoly Place1boy
SanishThe Sun or brilliant boy7boy
SanjCreator of universe, Another name for Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma, Creator, Another name for Brahma and Shiva8boy
SanjayVictorious, Dhritarashtras charioteer7boy
SanjeetWho is always victorious, Winner from 4 directions, Perfectly victorious2boy
SanjeevGiving life, Re animating, Love22boy
SanjeevanBearer of sanjeevini mountain, Immortality1boy
SanjeeviName of the mountain with auspicious and medicinal plants on it. in hinduism, This mountain is Said to be very sacred4boy
SanjiOne who is always victorious8boy
SanjibGiving life, Re animating, Love1boy
SanjitWho is always victorious, Winner from 4 directions, Perfectly victorious1boy
SanjithWho is always victorious, Winner from 4 directions, Perfectly victorious9boy
SanjivGiving life, Re animating, Love3boy
SanjivanBearer of sanjeevini mountain, Immortality9boy
SanjuHanuman; Similar to Sanjay; Victory; Triumphant11boy
SankWill, Determination9boy
SankalpWill, Determination, Resolve, Idea, Conviction2boy
SankalpaWill, Determination, Resolve, Conviction3boy
SankarLord Shiva, Causing happiness, Conferring good fortune, Auspicious, An epithet of Shiva, Name of a celebrated teacher of Vedanta philosophy shankaracharya, Name of a Raaga1boy
SankaraFortunate, Creator, Lord Shiva2boy
SanketSignal, Goal, Stipulation, Agreement, Indication, Sign7boy
SanketaAddress; Information8unisex
SankethSignal, Goal, Stipulation, Agreement, Indication, Sign6boy
SankulDence, Full of, Fiery, Torch6boy
SanmitSymmetry, Harmony22boy
SannigdhAlways ready4boy
SanskarGood ethics and moral values, Culture, Consecration, Purity, Purification2boy
SantSaintly person, Tranquil, Calm, Saint9boy
SantanKing, Whole6boy
SanthoshSatisfaction, Happiness5boy
SantoshSatisfaction, Happiness6boy
SantuComplete satisfaction3boy
SanwarOne name of God22boy
SanwariyaLord Krishna, Dark complexioned3boy
SanyamPatience, Effort, Restraint1boy
SapanDream (Swapna)6boy
SaptajitConqueror of 7 elements6boy
SaptakA musical note5boy
SaptarshiSeven Star in Galaxy or Seven Wise Saint in Mythology; Seven Brahmin Godman3boy
SarForm of God, Effective11boy
SaralVery easy, Honest, Simple6boy
SaranSurrender, Injuring, Running, Lily, Yard of a sail8boy
SaranaSurrender, Injuring9boy
SarangA musical instrument, Distinguished, Brilliance, Light, Jewel, Gold light, The earth, A musical Raag another name for the Love God Kaama and Shiva6boy
SaranshSummary, In brief, Precise, Result8boy
SaranyanThe one who bestows protection to anyone who comes seeking it. the word Sharan in Sanskrit means protection. and the one who bestows it is Sharanyan3boy
SarasSwan, The Moon4boy
SaratAutumn, Super boy, Complete or meaningful5boy
SarathAutumn, Super boy, Complete or meaningful22boy
SaravClump of reeds7boy
SaravanaClump of reeds, Lord Murugan5boy
SaravananClump of reeds, Lord Murugan1boy
SarbajitOne who has conquered everything8boy
SarbeshMaster of all or God or king or Lord of all, Emperor, Lord Shiva9boy
SargamMusical notes5boy
SarishEqual, Morning11boy
SarjanCreative, Creation9boy
SarnginName of Lord Vishnu1boy
SarojLotus, Born in lakes9unisex
SarojinLord Brahma, Lotus-like5boy
SarthakWell done6boy
SarthakaWell done7boy
SaruLord Vishnu, An arrow, Dart, The thunderbolt of Indra, The weapon of the maruts, Passion, Epithet of Vishnu5unisex
SarupBeautiful, Shapely3boy
SarvaLord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Perfect, Complete7unisex
SarvadLord Shiva, All giving, Epithet of Shiva2boy
SarvadevLord Shiva, God of all, Epithet of Shiva11boy
SarvagLord Shiva, All pervading, Spirit, Soul, Epithet of Shiva and Vishnu, Epithet of Brahma, Name of a son of Bheem5boy
SarvakWhole, Complete, Universal9boy
SarvamPerfect in everything2boy
SarvambhLord Ganesh, Sarva - universe3boy
SarvangLord Shiva, The whole body, All the angas or vedaangas collectively, Epithet of Shiva, Covering all aspects1boy
SarvashayLord Shiva6boy
SarvatmanProtector of the universe1boy
SarvavasLord Shiva, One who resides everywhere22boy
SarvendraEvery where, God3boy
SarvesMaster of all or God or king or Lord of all3boy
SarveshMaster of all or God or king or Lord of all, Emperor, Lord Shiva11boy
SarveshvaraLord of all, A name of Lord Shiva8boy
SarvilLord Krishna, Derived from Sharv, Sharv meaning sacred to Shiva9boy
SarwaLord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Perfect, Complete8unisex
SarwarChief, Leader, Joy, Delight8boy
SasankThe Moon11boy
SashangAttached, Connected, Associated6boy
SashankThe Moon1boy
SashanthLord of all9boy
SasiThe Moon, An Apsara or celestial Goddess3boy
SasmitSmiling, Cheerful9boy
SastaOne who rules6boy
SasthaOne who rules5boy
SatatyaNever ending6boy
SatayuHundred years old (Brother of amavasu and vivasu)6boy
SateendraLord Vishnu, Lord of truth6boy
SateeshLord of hundreds, Ruler of hundreds, Happiness5boy
SatendraLord Vishnu, Lord of truth1boy
SateshLord of hundreds, Ruler of hundreds, Happiness9boy
SathaiahLord of ayyanar4boy
SathanaLord Vishnu1boy
SathiPartner, Chaste woman3boy
SathishGod of Sathi, Lord Shiva, Kind3boy
SathvikCalm, Virtuous and another name of Lord Shiva9boy
SatinReal, A vedic text9boy
SatindraLord Vishnu, Lord of truth5boy
SatishLord of hundreds, Ruler of hundreds, Happiness22boy
SatpatiLord Indra, A good Lord, Lord of heroes, Epithet of Indra5boy
SatrajitEver victorious, Father of Satyabhama8boy
SatrijitFather of Satyabhama, Wife of Lord Krishna (Father of Satyabhama, Wife of Lord Krishna)7boy
SatrujitVictorious over enemies (A son of Vatsa)1boy
SatvatLord Krishna, Full of truth, Delighted, Name of Vishnu or Krishna, Name of baladeva, A Man of Yadav tribe, A worshipper11boy
SatveerLord Vishnu, Champion of truth9boy
SatvikVirtuous, Lord Krishna, Worthy, Important, Pure, Good1boy
SatvinderTrue God of heaven, Lord of virtue4boy
SatwikPower and well being in the future, Cool2boy
SatyadevLord of truth7boy
SatyajitOne who conquers the truth, Victory of truth6boy
SatyakiCharioteer of Lord Krishna5boy
SatyenLord of the truth3boy
SaudeepEasy to get8boy
SaugatGift An enlightened person6boy
SaugataOther name of Gautama Buddha7boy
SaujassEver smiling9boy
SaumilLove to Meet different persons, A friend, Calm3boy
SaumitFrom Sanskrit samit: someone who has got everything, Easy to get2boy
SaumitrGood friend11boy
SaumitraLord Lakshman son of Sumitra), Good friend3boy
SaumyMild, Pearl, Goddess Durga, Beautiful7boy
SaunakA great sage and teacher, Wise4boy
SauravDivine, Celestial, Beautiful1boy
SaurinSun Power in1boy
SauveerBeautiful and brave1boy
SavaSaint who was a trainer of young monks7boy
SavarLord Shiva, Water, The vital element for life, Name of Shiva7boy
SavitThe Sun, Sweet8boy
SavyaLord Vishnu, Left hand, Southern, Reverse, Name of An aangirasa, An epithet of Vishnu5boy
SawanThe fifth month of the Hindu year, One who offers a sacrifice to God, Rain during monsoon season4boy
SayakWeapon, Kind and helpful3boy
SayanFriend, Kind heart6boy
ScandaLord Murugan, Leaping, Flowing, Quicksilver, Name of Kartikeya the son of Shiva and God of war, Epithet of Shiva, The bank of a river, A clever or learned Man6boy
SeemantaParting line of hair6boy
SeenuPositive energy, Horseless1boy
SelvaSimple of Joy, Prosperous5boy
SelvamEnjoyable person9boy
SelvanSimple of Joy, Prosperous1boy
SendanLord Murugan3boy
SendhilLord Murugan, The red one, The formidable one8boy
SenmalThe best1boy
SenthilRed and formidable one6boy
SeshadriShesha - the king of serpents’ and Adri - hill11boy
SeshuSnake, Venkateswara9boy
SesuSnake, Venkateswara1boy
SethuThe warrior, Sacred symbol1boy
SetuThe warrior, Sacred symbol11unisex
SeyonLord Murugan6boy
ShaanPride, Peaceful7boy
ShaarHabit, Custom, Name of Lord Ayyappa, Arrow2boy
ShabarLord Shiva, Water, The vital element for life, Name of Shiva22boy
ShabarishLord Ayyappa4boy
ShabdAwaz sound, Akhar word7boy
ShabinFrom the name sabine An italian culture8boy
ShachinLord Indra, Pure existence, Affectionate, Epithet of Shiva8boy
ShadualSomeone who has happiness3boy
ShahanKing, One of the kauravas6boy
ShahantSlayer of Aksha8boy
ShailMountain, Rocky22boy
ShaildharOne who holds mountain8boy
ShailenKing of mountains5boy
ShaileshGod of mountain, Himalaya9boy
ShaivPure and innocent, Holy, A sect worshipping Shiva5boy
ShajiBold, Courageous, King of noble men2boy
ShaktiPowerful, Goddess Durga, Power, Vigour, Ability, The female energy of a God, Another name for Lakshmi, Saraswati the female energy of a God, Aid, Sword, Gift5unisex
ShakuntBlue Jay22boy
ShaligramLord Vishnu, Refers to a fossilized shell7boy
ShalikA sage6boy
ShalyaAn arrow3boy
ShamakMakes peace, Peaceful, Lord Buddha8boy
ShamakarnLord Shiva, The one who has black ears5boy
ShamanJasmine, Soothing, Purifying, Hymn, Prosperous, Universal plentiful2boy
ShamantUniversal, Whole, Lord Rama22boy
ShamanthUniversal, Whole, Lord Rama3boy
ShameekAncient sage, Peaceful, Restrained8boy
ShameerA message or tidings or that which is heard, Rock that can penetrate metal6boy
ShamiFire, Name of a tree, Work5boy
ShamikAncient sage, Peaceful, Restrained7boy
ShamindraQuiet, Gentle6boy
ShamirA message or tidings or that which is heard, Rock that can penetrate metal5boy
ShamitPeacemaker, Who is calm and disciplined, Peaceful, Calmed, Prepared7boy
ShamithPeacemaker, Who is calm and disciplined, Peaceful, Calmed, Prepared6boy
ShamsFragrance, The Sun6boy
ShamyaBlessings, One who listens, Exalted, Noble, Much praised22boy
ShanPride, Peaceful6boy
ShananGaining, Acquiring3boy
ShanayAncient, One that will last forever5boy
ShanenWise, River7boy
ShankarLord Shiva, Causing happiness, Conferring good fortune, Auspicious, An epithet of Shiva, Name of a celebrated teacher of Vedanta philosophy shankaracharya, Name of a Raaga9boy
ShankarshanBrother of Lord Krishna6boy
ShankhA shell, Conch, Auspicious, A number equivalent to 10 billion crores7boy
ShankhaA shell, Conch, Auspicious, A number equivalent to 10 billion crores8boy
ShankhinLord Vishnu, The one who bears the Shankh3boy
ShankirLord Shiva, One who causes happiness8boy
ShanmukhaShanmuka means Lord of Subramaniam son of Lord Shiva, Lord kartikeyalord Murugan (First son of Lord Shiva)6boy
ShantSaintly person, Tranquil, Calm, Saint8boy
ShantanKing, Whole5boy
ShantanavBhishma pitamaha1boy
ShantanuWholesome, A king from the epic Mahabharata (Great grandfather of the Pandavas and Kauravas; Father of Bhishma, Chitranga and Vichitravirya; Married to Ganga and Satyavati.)8boy
ShanthanKing, Whole4boy
ShanuFire, A learned Man9unisex
ShanyuBenevolent, Kind hearted, Kind, Lucky, Happy7boy
SharHabit, Custom, Name of Lord Ayyappa, Arrow1boy
SharanSurrender, Injuring, Running, Lily, Yard of a sail7boy
SharangA musical instrument, Distinguished, Brilliance, Light, Jewel, Gold light, The earth, A musical Raag another name for the Love God Kaama and Shiva5boy
SharatA season, Autumn, Breeze, Cloud22boy
SharathA season, Autumn, Breeze, Cloud3boy
SharavPure and innocent6boy
ShardulLion, A tiger11boy
SharmadOne whop confers happiness, Everlasting1boy
SharuLord Vishnu, An arrow, Dart, The thunderbolt of Indra, The weapon of the maruts, Passion, Epithet of Vishnu22boy
SharunSweet, Fragrance, Honey9boy
SharunanNaughty boy6boy
SharvaLord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Perfect, Complete6unisex
SharvasLord Vishnu, The auspicious7boy
SharveshMaster of all or God or king or Lord of all, Emperor, Lord Shiva1boy
SharvilLord Krishna, Derived from Sharv, Sharv meaning sacred to Shiva8boy
SharvinVictory, Best archer, God of Love1boy
ShasankaOther name of Lord Shiva, The Moon2boy
ShashaThe Moon2boy
ShashankThe Moon9boy
ShashankaOther name of Lord Shiva, The Moon1boy
ShashanthName of Lord Vishnu8boy
ShashiThe Moon, An Apsara or celestial Goddess1unisex
ShashinThe Moon6boy
ShashirThe Moon1boy
ShashishLord Shiva, Lord of the Moon1boy
ShashmithEver smiling6boy
ShashrvatName of Lord Sun8boy
ShashvataA name of Lord Rama eternal9boy
ShashwatEver lasting, Continuous, Eternal9boy
ShastiCommand, Royal authority, Hymn, Lord Murugan, Another name for Durga22unisex
ShatadruName of a river11boy
ShatayuHundred years old5boy
ShatjitConqueror of hundreds, True victory6boy
ShatteshKing of mountains1boy
ShaunakA great sage and teacher, Wise3boy
ShauravDivine, Celestial, Beautiful9boy
ShaymKing of kings3boy
SheehanPeaceful child6boy
SheelCharacter, Custom, Nature, Worth22boy
SheetalHaving peace, Cool, Gentle, The wind, The Moon7unisex
SheethalHaving peace, Cool, Gentle, The wind, The Moon6unisex
SheilMountain, Rocky8boy
ShejalRiver water, Pure flowing water1unisex
ShekharLord Shiva, A crest, Diadem, A peak, The chief or head of anything7boy
ShesanandLord Vishnu, Delighting serpent Shesh, Another name of Vishnu4boy
SheshCosmic serpent5boy
SheshdharOne who holds snake9boy
SheyaShadow, Divine22boy
ShhithGood character9boy
ShiamakSilver flame8boy
ShibhooRelated with Lord Shiva4boy
ShibhyaLord Shiva9boy
ShibinShe is the sign of silence.7boy
ShibuBorn to Win5boy
ShiddharthOne who has accomplished goal, Successful, A name of Lord Buddha, Achieved all wishes9boy
ShidhLord Krishna3boy
ShighraLord Shiva, Lord Vishnu7boy
ShikharMountain peak, Peak, Ultimate11boy
ShilishLord of mountains3boy
ShimulName of a flower1boy
ShineySparkle to life8boy
ShinjanSound of Nupur3boy
ShinoyPeace maker9boy
ShinuSuccessful Person8boy
ShinyA woman having a white complexion, To shine among all, Sparkle to life3unisex
ShirinCharming, Pleasant, Ploughman, Grass5unisex
ShirishA flower, Rain tree9boy
ShiromA jewel worn on the head1boy
ShishirName of a season, Cold, Frost, Winter9boy
ShishulBaby, Infant, Child6boy
ShishupalSon of Subhadra (Son of Subhadra)5boy
ShivLord Shiva, Auspicious, Lucky, Always pure, All encompassing, Lovely, Welfare, Water, Saving, Beloved, Divine, Joy welfare, The third God of the Hindu Trinity22boy
ShivaLord Shiva, Auspicious, Lucky, Always pure, All-encompassing, Lovely, Welfare, Water, Joy welfare, Salvation, The energy of Shiva in the form of his wife (Hindu Lord, whose bow was lifted by Rama in swayamvar)5boy
ShivadevLord of prosperity9boy
ShivaiahLord Shiva, Shiva, The Lord5boy
ShivajiShivaji raje6boy
ShivakshRudraksh, Shivka Trinetra7boy
ShivamAuspicious, Lord Shiva, Fortunate, Elegant9boy
ShivammaAuspicious, Lord Shiva5boy
ShivangA portion of Lord Shiv8boy
ShivangelAngel messenger of Lord Shiva7boy
ShivankMark of Lord Shiva3boy
ShivanshA portion of Lord Shiv1boy
ShivanshuPart of Lord Shiva4boy
ShivasLord Shiva, Another form of the name Shiva6boy
ShivasunuLord Ganesh, Child of Shiva8boy
ShivelAnother name Lord Shiva3boy
ShivenName of Lord Shiva, The destroyer, One who maintains balance between life & death5boy
ShivendraLord Shiva and Lord Indra1boy
ShivenduPure Moon3boy
ShivenkLord Shiva & venkateswara7boy
ShiveshLord Shiva, Shiva + Ish, Shiva, The God9boy
ShiveshvarGod of welfare5boy
ShivinName of Lord Shiva, The destroyer, One who maintains balance between life & death9boy
ShivmatiIt means the brain of Lord Shiva11boy
ShivramLord Shiva, Lord Ram9boy
ShleshPhysical bonding8boy
ShlokHymns of Lord, Verse, Hindu Mantra or verse of praise2boy
ShlokeHymns of Lord, Verse, Hindu Mantra or verse of praise7boy
ShobhanSplendid, Handsome, Another name of Shiva and Agni, Excellent4boy
ShobhitOrnamented, Lord Krishna, Brilliant, Handsome9boy
ShoorValiant, Bold, Mighty, Brave, Lion, Tiger3boy
ShooraValiant, Bold, A name of Lord Hanuman, Mighty, Brave, Lion, Tiger4boy
ShoryaFame, Bravery, Fearlessness, Power, Heroism5boy
ShoubhitOrnamented, Lord Krishna, Brilliant, Handsome3boy
ShrabanaName of a Hindu month, Name of a star, A character in Ramayana, A devoted son, Listening or hearing, Monsoon season1boy
ShravanName of a Hindu month, Name of a star, A character in Ramayana, A devoted son, Listening or hearing, Monsoon season (Son of blind parents; known as an idol of service to parents)11boy
ShravanaName of a Hindu month, Name of a star3boy
ShrayCredit, Marvelous8boy
ShreeGoddess Lakshmi, Auspicious, Luster, Prosperity, Pratham, Shrestha, Beauty, Grace, Power, Brilliance, Dignity power, Another name for Saraswati, Sacred, A musical Raag1unisex
Shree RamLord Rama, Pleasing, Rejoicing, Charming and beautiful6boy
ShreedharLord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi5boy
ShreeharshGod of happiness1boy
ShreekantAn epithet of Lord Vishnu, God of wealth or Lord Vishnu or Consort of Goddess Lakshmi, Beautiful, Lord Shiva, Of glorious neck11boy
ShreemanHe who is always with Shree, Consort of Goddess Shree Goddess Lakshmi), A respectable person11boy
ShreenandLord Vishnu or Lord Krishna7boy
ShreerangLord Vishnu, Holy color, Name of Vishnu, Name of Shiva, Name of a king who founded the city of seringapatam, Name of a vaishnava temple near trichinopoly5boy
ShreesayLord Ganesh1boy
ShreeshLord of wealth, Lord Vishnu1boy
ShreetejGlory of Goddess Laxmi9boy
ShreevallabhLord of Goddess Lakshmi5boy
ShreeyasSuperior, Best, Handsome, Auspicious, Fortunate, Excellent1boy
ShreeyashGood fortune, Prosperity, Welfare, Happiness, Credit of fame9boy
ShreshtThe best, Ultimate, Another name for Lord Vishnu, Foremost, First, Perfection, Best of all7boy
ShreshtaThe best, Ultimate, Another name for Lord Vishnu, Foremost, First, Perfection, Best of all8boy
ShresthThe best, Ultimate, Another name for Lord Vishnu, Foremost, First, Perfection, Best of all7boy
ShreyCredit, Marvelous3boy
ShreyansFame giver and Lucky, Wealthy1boy
ShreyanshFame giver and Lucky, Wealthy9boy
ShreyarsSuperior, Fame5boy
ShreyasSuperior, Best, Handsome, Auspicious, Fortunate, Excellent5boy
ShreyashGood fortune, Prosperity, Welfare, Happiness, Credit of fame4boy
ShriGoddess Lakshmi, Auspicious, Luster, Prosperity, Pratham, Shrestha, Beauty, Grace, Power, Brilliance, Dignity power, Another name for Saraswati, Sacred, A musical Raag9unisex
Shri GopalLord Krishna, A protector of the earth, A king, An epithet of Krishna, An epithet of Shiva, Name of a nag6boy
Shri KrishnaLord Krishna, Black, Dark-skinned8boy
Shri KumarBeautiful1boy
ShridaGiver of beauty, Lord Kuber, Bestowed by Lakshmi, Auspicious, Bringing fortune5boy
ShridharLord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi4boy
SidhdeshLord of the blessed, Another name of Lord Shiva4boy
SimantaParting line of hair5boy
SinhagLord Shiva, Epithet of Shiva, Going like a lion4boy
SinjanSound of Nupur22boy
SinsapaAshok tree7boy
SinuPositive energy, Horseless9boy
SiravanTamil name means eligible, Good Man3boy
SirthikLord Shiva4boy
SitanshuThe Moon3boy
SivaLord Shiva, Auspicious, Lucky, Always pure, All encompassing, Lovely, Welfare, Water, Saving, Beloved, Divine, Joy welfare, The third God of the Hindu Trinity6boy
SivanandaLord Shiva, Lord of Parvati4boy
SivantaLord Shiva5boy
SkandLord Murugan, Leaping, Flowing, Quicksilver, Name of Kartikeya the son of Shiva and God of war, Epithet of Shiva, The bank of a river, A clever or learned Man4boy
SlokaVerse, Hindu Mantra or verse of praise4unisex
SmarajitWinner of the battle, Victorious in war or Lord Vishnu, One who has conquered lust1boy
SmeetDevine smile8boy
SmitDevine smile7boy
SmitalIt means always smiling2unisex
SmithDevine smile6boy
SnehilLove, Affection4boy
SnehinA friend6boy
SnehitA friend, Be friendly3boy
SnehithA friend, Be friendly11boy
SohaanSmart, Good looking, Handsome22boy
SohailMoon glow, Moonlight, Handsome1boy
SohamThe presence of divinity of each soul, I am him . every soul has a presence of God in it.god is within2boy
SohanSmart, Good looking, Handsome3boy
SoheilMoon glow, Moonlight, Handsome5boy
SohelMoon glow, Moonlight, Handsome5boy
SohimBeautiful, Handsome1boy
SohithGuru; Teacher; Philosopher7boy
SohumThe presence of divinity of each soul, I am him . every soul has a presence of God in it.god is within22boy
SomThe Moon, Distinguished, Nectar, Ambrosia, Juice of the Soma plant that grants immortality, Another name for Shiva11boy
SomaiahIt is a one of Lord shiva`s name3boy
SomakA king, Little Moon5boy
SomaliMoons Love, Loved by the Moon6boy
SomanThe Moon8boy
SomanshHalf Moon8boy
SomatraExcelling the Moon6boy
SomeeshThe Moon3boy
SomenMoon or Lord Indra, Must by Joy3boy
SomendraThe Moon8boy
SomeshThe Moon7boy
SomeshwarLord Shiva, Sa + Uma - with Uma) Moon crested, Epithet of Shiva4boy
SomilLove to Meet different persons, A friend, Calm5boy
SomitFrom Sanskrit samit: someone who has got everything, Easy to get22boy
SomkarMoon light5boy
SomrikThe Moon4boy
SomvirBlessings of God6boy
SonakshOne golden eye6boy
SonitPerson with good intentions5boy
SooryaThe Sun, One of the original vedic triad with Agni and Indra3boy
SopanStairs, Steps2boy
SoumavaMoons light2boy
SoumenMoon or Lord Indra, Must by Joy6boy
SoumilLove to Meet different persons, A friend8boy
SoumiliGood friend8boy
SoumithSon of King6boy
SoumyMild, Pearl, Goddess Durga, Beautiful3boy
SounakBoy sage9boy
SouravDivine, Celestial, The beautifulness6boy
SourenOf the Sun11boy
SourikRay of Sun; Love3boy
SourindraPower of Lord Indra11boy
SourishLord Vishnu, The Lord of the Suras or devas. it can also mean the greatest of those who bestow good1boy
SowrabhaSweet fragrance, The celestial cow, Wish yielding cow6boy
SparshaLove, Care, Sparkling eyes1unisex
SravanName of a Hindu month, Name of a star, A character in Ramayana, A devoted son, Listening or hearing, Monsoon season3boy
SreeLight, Beauty, Prosperity, Rank, Power, Steel construction company2unisex
SreedharLord Vishnu, Possessor of Goddess Lakshmi, Possessor of good fortune6boy
SreehariLord Vishnu, Name of Vishnu, Lion of prosperity, Divine Krishna11boy
SreejitThe one who has conquered Goddess Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth i.e. Lord Vishnu5boy
SreejithThe one who has conquered Goddess Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth i.e. Lord Vishnu4boy
SreekanthSri Hari, Beloved of Sri11boy
SreekarCausing prosperity, Lord Vishnu5boy
SreeneshGiven by God, Lord Vishnu3boy
SreenikeshLord Vishnu, Sri Maha Vishnu5boy
SreenivasLord Venkateshwara, Residence of Goddess of wealth, Abode of wealth4boy
SreepadFeet pad of Lord Vishnu5boy
SreeramLord Rama, Pleasing, Rejoicing, Charming and beautiful7boy
SreyasGood fortune, Prosperity, Welfare, Happiness, Credit of fame6boy
SriLight, Beauty, Prosperity, Rank, Power, Steel construction company1unisex
SriashwinA good ending3boy
SrichakraPowerful yantra of the god7boy
SridattaGiven by God11boy
SridharLord Vishnu, Possessor of Goddess Lakshmi, Possessor of good fortune5boy
SrihanLord Vishnu, Handsome6boy
SrihithLord Vishnu1boy
SrijitThe one who has conquered Goddess Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth i.e. Lord Vishnu4boy
SrijithThe one who has conquered Goddess Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth i.e. Lord Vishnu3boy
SrikantLover of wealth, Fortune, Respect, Esteem, Wisdom, Light11boy
SrikanthLover of wealth, Fortune, Respect, Esteem, Wisdom, Light1boy
SrikarCausing prosperity, Lord Vishnu4boy
SrikaranNice Person1boy
SrimateshThe Lord of knowledge4boy
SrinavLord Vishnu11boy
SrineshGiven by God, Lord Vishnu11boy
SrinikeshLord Vishnu, Sri Maha Vishnu4boy
SrinishAbode of Wealth; God Vishnu6boy
SrinivasLord Venkateshwara, Residence of Goddess of wealth, Abode of wealth3boy
SrinivasaLord Venkateshwara, Residence of Goddess of wealth, Abode of wealth4boy
SrinivashLord Venkateshwara, Residence of Goddess of wealth, Abode of wealth11boy
SripadLord Vishnu, Divine feet4boy
SrirajGreat personality3boy
SriramLord Rama, Pleasing, Rejoicing, Charming and beautiful6boy
SrishaName of Lord Ganesh, Flower11unisex
SritejRadiant light9boy
SrithikLord Shiva4boy
SrivantLord Vishnu4boy
SrivarLord venkateswara, Lord Vishnu6boy
SrivasLotus, Abode of wealth7boy
SrivathsaGod of Sri Maha Vishnu, Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth9boy
SrivatsalName of Lord Vishnu, Son of Goddess Lakshmi, Devotee of Goddess Lakshmi (??)4boy
SrivatsavIt is one of the names of Indian Lord Vishnu5boy
SriyanLord Vishnu, Combination of first 3 letters of Sriman and last 3 of Narayan5boy
SrujanCreation, Creative2boy
SruthiRaga, Taal, Correctness of musical & singing notes5boy
StavyaLord Vishnu, Who is being praised by everybody7boy
SthavirLord Brahma, Ancient, Fixed, Steady or the primordial being7boy
StotriLord Vishnu, Praising, Epithet of Vishnu11boy
SualAsked for8boy
SubahuStrong armed, One of the kauravas9boy
SubalGood, Divine, Friend of Lord Krishna, Another name of Shiva, Powerful, Boy1boy
SubandhuA good friend9boy
SubashLord Shiva, An agreeable perfume, A pleasant dwelling, Well clad, An epithet of Shiva7boy
SubbaiahGreat Man9boy
SubeerCourageous, Brave warrior7boy
SubhFortunate, Brilliant, Attractive, Auspicious, Wealthy5boy
SubhamGood, Auspicious1boy
SubhanPraising Allah, Holy2boy
SubhangLord Shiva, Handsome limbed, Beautifully formed, Elegant, Epithet of Vishnu and Shiva9boy
SubhanshShubh Ansh11boy
SubhasShining, Soft spoken, Brilliant7boy
SubhashShining, Soft spoken, Brilliant6boy
SubhenduAuspicious Moon4boy
SubodhSound advice, Easily understood, Intelligent6boy
SuchendraLord of piousness3boy
SuchetAttentive, Alert, Intelligent, Sharp22boy
SuchinMeans a beautiful thought11boy
SuchitPerson with a sound mind, Sensible, Intelligent, Informed, Pure, Focussed, Another name for Brahma8boy
SudalaiVillage God22boy
SudamaMeek, Friend of Lord Krishna, Another name of Kuchela5boy
SudanvaLord Vishnu, Good archer1boy
SudarsanLord Perumal, Good looking, Lion, A weapon of Lord Vishnu7boy
SudarshanLord Perumal, Good looking, Lion, A weapon of Lord Vishnu6boy
SudayGift, Auspicious gift7boy
SudeepBright, Very bright, Happiness7boy
SudeeshBrilliance, Lord of excellent intellect9boy
SudeshA beautiful country, Elegant, Handsome22boy
SudeshaGood country5boy
SudevGood deity8boy
SudevaName of Lord Shiva, Good Deva9boy
SudhakarMine of nectar, Moon11boy
SudhakaraMine of nectar3boy
SudhamayFull of nectar11boy
SudhanVery rich22boy
SudhangThe Moon11boy
SudhanshuThe Moon7boy
SudharsanLord Perumal, Good looking, Lion, A weapon of Lord Vishnu6boy
SudheerSymbol of smile, Resolute, Brave, Bright, Determined, Thoughtful, Wise8boy
SudheeshBrilliance, Lord of excellent intellect8boy
SudhiScholar, Sense, Wisdom7unisex
SudhindraLord of senses, Lord of knowledge8boy
SudhirSymbol of smile, Resolute, Brave, Bright, Determined, Thoughtful, Wise7boy
SudhishBrilliance, Lord of excellent intellect7boy
SudhitKind, Benevolent, Like nectar9boy
SudhithKind, Benevolent, Like nectar8boy
SudipBright, Very bright, Happiness6boy
SudirSymbol of smile, Resolute, Brave, Bright8boy
SugandhSweet smelling, Fragrance11boy
SuganthSuganth means a good smell9boy
SugataA name of the Buddha6boy
SughoshOne with melodious voice7boy
SugreevOne with graceful neck, Weapon, Hero, Swan7boy
SugrivaMan with a beautiful neck, Sachiva minister of Sugreeva, Weapon, Hero, Swan, One with graceful neck (King of monkey tribe and King of Kiskindha)7boy
SuhartaGood seizer7boy
SuhasBeautiful Smile5boy
SuhitPositive, Suitable, Appropriate, Good5boy
SuhithPositive, Suitable, Appropriate, Good4boy
SuhridWell disposed7boy
SuhritWell disposed5boy
SuhrudaGood hearted11boy
SuhruthIt is one of the Lord Vishnu name7boy
SujalAffectionate, Sacred water, Lotus9unisex
SujanHonest, Intelligent, Virtuous, Respectable, Kind, Good11boy
SujashRenounced, Illustrious6boy
SujatBelonging to a good clan, Good birth, Well-born, Handsome8boy
SujeetAuspicious victory, Victorious8boy
SujeshLord Shiva1boy
SujetuWell bred6boy
SujitAuspicious victory, Victorious7boy
SukarmaOne who does good deeds3boy
SukarmanReciter of 1000 samhitas8boy
SukeshWith beautiful hair, Lord of happiness2boy
SuketuA Yaksha king, Another name of Lord Vishnu, Brilliant7boy
SukhadName of Lord Vishnu1boy
SukhadaOne who gives happiness, Bestower of happiness2unisex
SukhajatLord Shiva, Happy, Epithet of Shiva1boy
SukhakarLord Rama, Giving happiness, Name of Krishna9boy
SukheshWith beautiful hair, Lord of happiness1boy
SukhwantFull of happiness, Pleasant9boy
SukrantExtremely beautiful5boy
SukritGood deed, Devout, Kind, Auspicious, Worthy, Wise8boy
SukulUnperturbed, Dignified, Noble3boy
SukumarHandsome, Very tender, Very delicate5boy
SukumaraHandsome, Very tender, Very delicate6boy
SukumaranHandsome, Very tender, Very delicate11boy
SulabhEasy to get, Natural9boy
SulekThe Sun5boy
SulekhBeautifully written22boy
SulochOne with beautiful eyes6unisex
SulochanOne with beautiful eyes, Deer3boy
SultanAuthority, King6boy
SumadhurVery sweet6boy
SumanA flower, Very charming, Plesant, Considerate, Cheerful, Beautiful, Handsome, Kind, Fame5unisex
SumangalVery auspicious7boy
SumantWise or friendly7boy
SumanthWise or friendly6boy
SumantraFriend of king Dasarath, Good adviser, Well-advised8boy
SumantuAtharva Veda was assigned to him1boy
SumedWise, Clever, Sensible8boy
SumedhWise, Clever, Sensible7boy
SumeerLord of wisdom, A divine mountain, A region in modern day Iraq that was the home of the sumerians9boy
SumeetA good friend, Well measured, One who has a beautiful body, Shapely2boy
SumeruLord Shiva, A mythical mountain of gold, Name of Shiva, Very exalted, Excellent7boy
SumeshLord of flowers22boy

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